British Shorthair Breeder in Bedfordshire

Virtually Visit Our Cattery!
Because I strive to give all my cats the best possible (start in) life, I strongly believed that my cats should be able to have the exciting and wholesome experience of the outdoors, but at the same time keeping them safe and protected. That is why my family have constructed the beautiful outdoor cattery - of course, all my cats live inside with us, but I believe it is good to have both indoor and outdoor experiences. The purrfectsilvers cat 'city' has been carefully designed and built to be the best possible set-up. In total, we have the 'cat-flats', (where the Queens' and their kittens live) these are a row of three beautiful, highly-enriched cat houses. They consist of: in-built heating and lighting in the indoor area, plush living quarters , and an outdoor area with the cats' favourite toys to help enrich them. On the other side of the 'cat city', is the 'cat-mansion'. This is where my beautiful studs live during the day. This is larger than the individual cat flats, and also has in-built heating and lighting. This has a mesh catio attached to the living quarters, this gives the studs a panorama view of the outdoors: from birds to the sunshine. It also has a lot of enrichment, from artificial plants for them to 'bat', to boxes etc.
And finally, not to forget the extremely important control tower of PurrfectSilvers; named, 'the Cat Office'. This is where all the 'important, cat-breeding stuff', is held. This ranges from documents, to first aid supplies, dry and wet food to extra toys. All sort of things! It also has a showing platform to present the kittens when people come to visit.
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