British Shorthair Breeder in Bedfordshire
Our Queens
Our Queens are all very well looked after and spoiled thoroughly! They each have their own space and outdoor catio so they can enjoy the outdoors as well as being fully protected at the same time. Our queens only produce 1 or max 2 litters per year depending on the size of the litter and how well the queen has recovered. They are all fully vaccinated and PKD Negative. We have all tested them at Langford's Laboratory - who is the UK's leading Feline Genetics Laboratory.
We use a preventative flea and worming treatment on them monthly. We feed our cats with Royal Canin British Shorthair foods at all times. I have joined the Royal Canin Pro Breeder Club, and it has enabled me to supply special RC 'Queen Food', designed especially for breeding queens, and which allows them to feel their best at all time.
All of my family cherish our ladies and as soon as they are starting to show any signs of age, we retire them and keep them as loved pets or find them a loving quiet home where they can spend the rest of their days in happiness.

Queen Pheobe
Pedigree Name: ADSYMBR Lady Sibella-Bluebell
Pet name: Phoebe
Blood Type: A
Phoebe is the most lovely girl; her temperament matches her beautiful coat. She is just so cuddly and friendly, my children adore her.
Her markings are very crisp and clear, and has very unique deep markings next to her eyes that make her resemble a cheetah, so we knew straight away she was a very special cat. Her eyes are a lovely pale green which contrast nicely against her striking coat.

Queen Skye
Pedigree Name: ADNOVBR Malorie /GC
Pet Name: Skye
Blood Type: A - A/B
Lines: GrCh Hale Bopp from Townhouse, IGrCh Trubrit Marmight & IGrCh Thornchase Hey Presto, UK&IGrCh Trubrit Bustopher Jones.
Our beautiful girl Skye is just so breath-taking. She is show-worthy: short ears, broad chest, striking copper eyes, stout legs, beautiful coat and a chunky face.
All of us here at PurrfectSilvers have decided that we don't own her, Skye owns all of us! She is definitely a little madam, and is the boss of all, even the big studs. She still loves a good cuddle and will sometimes humble herself to a quick play. We all enjoy her so much!

Queen Astrid
Pedigree Name: Princess Astrid
Pet Name: Astrid
Blood Type: A
Lines: GrCh Coppins Challenger
Our little Astrid is just the 'kitten' of the family. She is so adorable and loves a cuddle. She has always been petite, so it adds to her charm.
She is a beautiful blue silver spotted girl. She also has lovely type, with short ears, and a beautiful soft coat. She also has beatiful copper eyes which compliment her coat very nicely.